Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Vanilla Hazlenut

Did not take the bike today on account of downpours.  I could've made it to the office dry but the return would've been a pain.

I'm not as gung-ho as I'd been.

Regardless, I'm on coffee #4 today.  2nd of 2 Vanilla Hazlenuts (french press) that I bought at the Coffee Nut in Long Beach.

Smells great.  It's nice to have FP again after a long hiatus.  It always starts out nice and tasty and then due to air exposure it loses its flavor a little quicker than I'd like.  That's why I only did a quarter pound.

If you blindfolded me and asked me to tell you the flavor, I'm not sure I could answer correctly.

However, I'm listening to Kenny Burrell's "Mellow Tone" and it's complementing my mood and the coffee.  I think it's just him and a bassist.  All coffeehouses should have songs like this.

I like being here. I like having a 'here.'  I can do the work. It's not rocket science. Was complimented on my appearance today -- yellow with brown vest.  Apparently a button down that is actually buttoned down looks good.

Ok.  Cool.  Hoping to hit the gym pretty hard tonight.  I might lay off the squats in the interest of time.

Thank you for reading.

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