Monday, March 9, 2015


Something is certainly happening/changing today.  A confluence of occurrences yesterday led to this wave of clarity I'm feeling.  I might have slept for 5 minutes this morning on the ride in listening to Dark Side.  During my walk, I listened to the first few tracks of Ha Ha Tonka's Lessons -- especially the first 3 (plus the free track I had from a sampler) are extremely affecting.

I overslept and had a rough morning and was a little bummed because yesterday saw the spontaneous combustion of my shower wall in to a million little pieces.  Then Chickie wouldn't sleep. I wonder if it was all caused by the daylight savings.  Anyway, a state of the finances meeting with our financial advisor last night was also a tough pill to swallow.

Now that I've had one Awake and I'm halfway through Pike #1, I can feel my real "self" coming back to the forefront. I feel like Chief Bromden in Cuckoo's Nest when the smoke/fog disappears.  

The cookie cake in the fridge and up-for-grabs oatmeal cookies on my floor are a bonus.  There are issues waiting for me no matter where I turn, I just have to fill out some forms and get 'em done.

Second Pike was dispensed and followed me to PF, where I cranked out 60 reps of 35lb (each) curls, + 20 reps (each arm) of the standing pulldown (don't know the actual name of it).  Drank the coffee on the return walk, which was in glorious, sunny 50degree weather.  Bought 2lbs of vanilla Marked and sorta regretted it since I didn't get the Binder discount but w/e I'll need it for lunch workouts which may start tomorrow.  There was Mrs. Fields cookie cake waiting for me today in the fridge hopefully there will also be some tomorrow, too.

I'm finding that this amt of coffee needs to cool/go untouched for 15-20 minutes before it reaches its optimal drinkability.

Thank you for reading.

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