Monday, July 13, 2015

Zen, the two of us need look no more...

I'm already amped up. Between this morning's PB coffee and the pending performance review and other professional possibilities, I don't need the hard jolt I normally do.  So I waited a bit and had some Zen tea.  It's doing the job, I suppose.  It's got 3 of 5 caffeine bullets on the label.

AKASW has bereavement later today and all tomorrow and that is unfortunate.  It may also impact my perf review.  Remains to be seen.  I also may meet with someone today with a lead. Thankfully she can come here.  Also remains to be seen.

I had a great weekend I should update in CaffeinateDad. Yesterday morning in particular with Miri was great.

Having a half of a Breakfast Blend with a full raw sugar packet.  My review is apparently still on.  My Lynbrook co-commuter asked for my resume.  Things be happening today.

Friday, July 10, 2015

End of a good week

Getting through the day should be relatively painless. Having a Breakfast Blend with a sugar.  I did not see a bonus reflected in my paycheck.  Co-worker got one.  However I have not had my review so if it will happen, my guess is that it'd be in the next pay period.  2 weeks from today.

I also just found out that manager had a DITF, which is unfortunate, so Tuesday will be reminiscent of today.  While not wanting to seem selfish, I'll be on extra good behavior on Monday for review. One can only guess how easily grief can seep in to seemingly-unrelated things.  It also means I only have 2 days with AKASW next week, which means only 2 days in 3 weeks.

The temp is finishing helping me with the small assignment that we procrastinated on and that is off my plate.  I have a small writing assignment to do today and maybe it's time to assign some other stuff and some positions worth investigating and that's it.

Physically, I feel fantastic.  My palm feels mostly healed and my body is slowly achieving the look I've been aiming for.  Now it's either a matter of maintaining or changing it up completely.

Nursing half a cup of LightNote.  Will have a couple of breaks. I have that paragraph that I've made some progress on but I'm not inspired but will manufacture inspirado.  I got some feedback on draft 1 and now it's a matter of updating.  I'm listening to Yo Yo Ma's Goat Rodeo Sessions.  End of alphabet in my WMP library.

Had a half an iced coffee and hung out downstairs with 'karaoke co-worker,' who's one of the cool ones.  Same boat, just one sea over.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Battling ADT, one coffee at a time

I went downstairs with co-worker editor today to catch up and make it not totally about work or bitching.  My House Blend was nice and piping.    We did a little and then moved on to home-life topics.  I have been reading On Managing Yourself and the chapter on ADT is resonating.  Some of it for me directly but largely more b/c of my own mgr.

Being isolated certainly does create cynicism.

Upon return from the gym, I'm having skim milk and then LightNote Blend to round it out (about half a cup).  I do not need to be "on" for the rest of the day.  Last night's chest workout and today's abs/tris/shoulders workout have done me in.  I will try for a run tomorrow morning. I did not receive one email in my extended lunch at PF.  I opened the GNC Amplified Whey today and it's pretty tasty. The powders are always better with milk.  I should have added some. Next time.

I want to add my workout details from today:

Clean overhead press - 10 reps each / 60lb/ 55lb / 50lb
Rope pulldown (behind the neck) - 15 reps of 100lb (on my knees)
Pull up from floor - 15 reps each at 15lbs
Front lift (sort of like kettlebells) - 15 reps each of 12.5lbs

Bicycle: 300 total reps
Leg Lifts:  40 reps x 3
Standing twist / reverse chop: 25lbs - 3 sets of 10
Side lifts - 25 reps x 2 (each side)

Laying down on bench / 35lbs / 15 reps x 2
Rope Handle press down 15 reps
Single Handle press down 15 reps each arm

Wolf: Ravenous
Destruction: Riot Squad
Maylene & Sons of Disaster: Settling Scores By Burning Bridges
Armored Saint: In An Instant
Gamma Ray: Razorblade Sigh
Turbo: Smash the Wall
Ex Libris: The Day of Burning
Helloween: Living on the Edge
Overkill: Struck Down
Helloween: Escalation 666 (only for the final tris press down)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Tidy the tediousness

Am letting the Breakfast Blend cool off.  I've had some chocolate nuts and some samoa cookies already.  Ran for 22 minutes this morning just to accomplish something.  I could've hit the gym but between my inability to wake up in time and desire to have a healed palm, I'm passing today.  Maybe tomorrow or mid-day Thurs or Fri.

I'm thrilled to not be wearing long-sleeve button-downs this week.

By 1030 it has reached optimal drinking temperature.  I'm just preparing for a call and then will set some minor goals to be reached by day's end.

I've put feelers out there in to the ether and we're hoping for some feedback.

House Blend. I'm not denying myself anything in the way of caffeine today.  It's worth noting I downed a full, cold Choc Peanut Butter Cup coffee this morning in my JPR mug.  It's better cold.  I'm sorta done now with flavored stuff unless I know it can be drank quickly.  Except for maybe cinnamon flavored stuff.  That's it.  I'm glad we bought this but it loses flavor very quickly.  I'm going to repurpose an old nomination in to a one-para nomination.  Listening to Terrell's Angry Southern Gentleman today.  Listened to Beautiful Side Of Madness this morning and wrote an Amazon review.   Hoping to meet with Ken for lunch.  Word up.

I've reheated my coffee. It had half left.  My lunch was good and now I'm going to finally do this "achievements" thing I've been putting off.  I think I'll try to lift tonight.  I don't want to do it in the morning.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Neutral zone

I have a House Blend that is slowly cooling off here.  I went a whole day w/o going to 18!  I'm completely numb and neutral today.  I just keep throwing it all at the wall and seeing what sticks.  Peter's passing contributed to my passing out last night.  I will think of him on a regular basis.

More menial work to do today.  I'll just have to dive in, in a bit.  I'm reading TS Eliot.  We'll see what sets in.

I want to work out a bit but want to give my wrist another day to get a bit better.  Today is the least achy it's been in a while.  It's actually the bottom of my palm and not my actual wrist.

Having LightNote.  I did 60 reps of 35lbs earlier.  My palm feels ok I just had to be careful as to where I placed the weight.  Taking care of more of a co-worker's project which is fine b/c he has my back all the time.

Peter will not have a service.  That's kind of cool, I guess. Just being here one day, and not the next.  It's too bad b/c it's someone worth remembering.

Wheels is the tune of the day.

Monday, July 6, 2015

How to overcome the return-to-work blues

I'm nursing a Breakfast Blend with a sugar and having nuts and a few leftover animal crackers.

I have returned to work and it was a pretty dismal walk. I want this coffee to clear my head and outlook a bit.  I made it a point to listen to something positive (Brad) whilst walking here.  The silver lining is that AKASW is out this week.  I can get mostly all my work done today and prepare for condensed days for the rest of the week. I made the 813 today and this will be the only day for the rest of the week.  I'm really going to try to focus and get it all done today so that I can get the work for end-of-week done and then pivot back to house stuff.

My wrist still has some aches but we'll see how that goes.  I may not hit PF this week and just run in the mornings.  I'll improvise.  I'm hoping to hear from/meet with professional contacts this week so I'll have to improvise.  I did a decent job running and lifting last week and want to maintain some semblance of it.

I have a lot of emails to catch up on but it's mostly just stuff on which I was copied. I'm sure I can get through it all today.

Music helps.  Chad Smith's first album helps just get back in the mode.  I do miss sunlight, though.

Half BB, half whole milk to have my pumpkin bread.  I just received news of Peter Hano's passing. I'm sure if I were still in that office, I'd be crying my eyes out.  I'm very glad we spoke recently. I will miss him dearly.

Had lunch with old co-worker and just got off the phone with a possible new co-worker.  Had half of a LightNote while I discussed it with the referring individual.  Let's see what happens.  I do not want to overthink anything but the fact is I could do this job better if I did not need to babysit AKASW and that's what this will come down to.  I will not get a raise this year and Monday we'll find out if there's any chance of a bonus.