Friday, July 10, 2015

End of a good week

Getting through the day should be relatively painless. Having a Breakfast Blend with a sugar.  I did not see a bonus reflected in my paycheck.  Co-worker got one.  However I have not had my review so if it will happen, my guess is that it'd be in the next pay period.  2 weeks from today.

I also just found out that manager had a DITF, which is unfortunate, so Tuesday will be reminiscent of today.  While not wanting to seem selfish, I'll be on extra good behavior on Monday for review. One can only guess how easily grief can seep in to seemingly-unrelated things.  It also means I only have 2 days with AKASW next week, which means only 2 days in 3 weeks.

The temp is finishing helping me with the small assignment that we procrastinated on and that is off my plate.  I have a small writing assignment to do today and maybe it's time to assign some other stuff and some positions worth investigating and that's it.

Physically, I feel fantastic.  My palm feels mostly healed and my body is slowly achieving the look I've been aiming for.  Now it's either a matter of maintaining or changing it up completely.

Nursing half a cup of LightNote.  Will have a couple of breaks. I have that paragraph that I've made some progress on but I'm not inspired but will manufacture inspirado.  I got some feedback on draft 1 and now it's a matter of updating.  I'm listening to Yo Yo Ma's Goat Rodeo Sessions.  End of alphabet in my WMP library.

Had a half an iced coffee and hung out downstairs with 'karaoke co-worker,' who's one of the cool ones.  Same boat, just one sea over.

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