Friday, May 8, 2015

Dress Code

I'm having a Breakfast Blend that was cooling as I once again fixed the bike chain and its guard.  This happened last week, too, right as I was arriving at Penn. Today it happened at 48th and 6th.  Right before I went to fix it (it took 5 min) I was told by a co-worker that AKASW, who's out today, has taken issue with the idea of the men not wearing button-down shirts.  She has a problem with my wearing polos on non-Fridays and another person wearing a sweater, even though both are expressly listed as appropriate in the Dress Code Guidelines.  Looking to control everything.  Part of me wants to throw this back at her and say: I'm doing what corporate has asked.

I'm thinking about it all.

I work for a loser and control-freak.  She's nothing more than that.  I'll remember that when I unleash a demon at PF.

House Blend time.  I was all Cellador and Overkill at PF and knocked my abs, tris and shoulders out within an hour. My legs are still a bit sore from Tues night's squats. During the brief ride back I saw the Hispanic "Oz" guard who was eyeless by end of Season 2.  I remarked that he regained his vision and he sorta chuckled and was amiable.

I am wondering if my bonus will hinder upon this polo shirt business.

Drafting some letters and pushing some emails.  Want to leave in 90 min.  Thank you for reading this.

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