Today is the day before a holiday weekend and I'm hoping that the rumors are true and that we'll be able to punch out at 3 (330 for good measure). If that's the case I can be home by/in the 5s. I'm having Breakfast Blend in my travel mug, b/c I had some coffee on the train this morning. I did not need to bike it to the station b/c there were a plethora of spots but it was too close to call when I left and didn't want to chance it. We've got a couple of deadlines to meet today and that should do it. AKASW will be chilled out today b/c an offspring is here so I used today to take the Polo for a spin. It covers the guns and I'm staying off the radar. Let's just get today over with (not in a negative way) and get home.
Piking it up now. We amazingly made that noon deadline so I'm rewarding myself. I finished DD last nite so I'm listening in on what might be in season 2.
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