Monday, April 27, 2015

Papers everywhere

Awake. Time for me to tidy up.
I timed my ride -- once on the street it takes 10 minutes to ride to work.  Probably and extra 3-5 to get above ground.
I'm going to hit the gym hard and early today. AKASW is out. I have to draft something for her. Normally I'd wait until day's end but it's not worth it. I'll just do it by four.  I did leave something for myself to send first thing this morning. I don't remember if Men's Health suggested it or if I read it somewhere else or if I'm repeating myself but if there's something that I need to send but not terribly urgently, I draft it and send it first thing the next morning.  I'm sure I'm not the only person to enact that process.  I do it at day's end, too, most days.  It shows that I am in and out on time but also puts things in the other person's court.
I'm listening to Incitare by Volto!  This is the instrumental rock-jazz fusion from the Tool drummer. The music is intricate, energetic and fast but with a groove and it's even fun. I bought it for maybe a buck last year at J&R (b/c it looked cool) and it's gotten me through many a day here and at ALM.
Must also make time for Jared's toast, and "the hunt."
The Awake is gone and I'll need some Pike real soon again.

Pike time.  Will have a samoa cookie with it.

It takes a while for 20 oz to cool.  Pike is gone and I have to void my bowels.  I've been working on this one email (that I cannot send myself) for an hour.  One hour of Mozart under my belt.

I just tore it up at PF.  Abs, tris, bis, back, shoulders, hips.  I also created(?) a superset with 50lb dumbbells that combined deadlift, curl and overhead press. Did 4 sets of 8 but I will admit that the last set needed to be broken in halves.  Was able to take the time to do it all b/c I finished that letter and other work and there's not much waiting for me in email.  I had a Marked shake at the gym and then came back and had a water and milk and now a tea just to keep from crashing.  Work is tolerable when a stress magnet is not asking me to join meetings and watch her talk on the phone. It's also not so bad b/c I know it's just 3 more days of this and then I've got the wedding and an extra day for myself.  Gnoshing on peanuts and will have an apple soon.  I was going to mooch some food from 23 but it's not worth it.

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