Monday, April 20, 2015

Win Hands Down

Awake with honey.
I just heard the first (title) track from the new Armored Saint and I cannot believe it's always that good. ALWAYS.  I often wonder: If I had been immersed in this and some other more positive metal, would I have done things differently because there is no doubt that music is an influence.  When John Bush sings it's always done correctly.  Like he's ironed out the kinks.
AKA SW wants to meet with us about God-knows-what in about 30 min.  Just hit the ground running with that stress.  It's always there for her.  I promised myself to be the opposite of that and I'll keep it going.

Pike time. I don't think I'll need more than one, which is reaffirming. I don't need to be jacked up right now.  I realized yesterday I had weak coffee from the hotel in the morning before the ride and loose tea after I got home.  It's probably why I slept as well as I did (it was nice to be asleep before 1130pm).  I'll shoot for that again tonight.

Drafting emails.  Ugh.

Today is a staff appreciation event at 430-530.  I've already left my jacket on the event's floor. I'm hanging out for a short bit -- there may be a raffle for PTO -- and bolting soon after.

That's all I think I need today.  Coffee's still a bit too hot but it should do the trick.

Somewhere along the line I just needed another hit. I had a half a large cup of LightNote.  I could feel that it was actual addiction forcing me to the coffee room and not actual fatigue.  We'll see if CaffeinateDad happens tonight.

Thank you for reading.

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