Monday, April 13, 2015

So Much Easier When....

When AKA SW is out, things are so much more tranquil.

I have had an Awake with honey and now am on to a 'Bucks Breakfast Blend. (1030)  I notice that the bubbles are different from a dispenser as opposed to the Pike coffee maker on the 18th floor. Also, it's not nearly as hot from the dispenser and the bubbles almost make it look carbonated.

There's still a honey-tinged aftertaste in my mouth that is inhibiting my enjoyment.

This will be another week of setups and networking.

Thank you for reading.  See you in the afternoon.

I had another half-cup of the Breakfast blend at around noon.  Not a great brew.  It's either b/c it comes out almost-hot or it's been sitting there too long or the dispensary itself.  Either way it's doing a disservice to the brand.

At 2 I went down and got a Pike (after swiping a RB & Bacon ciabatta sandwich).  That has the handle you press down and even though it bubbles up also (almost like a beer) the taste is far superior and is much darker.

We were catered with high-quality cookies today so I'm using it to "wash it down" -- snoogans.

I have a couple of cool co-workers who are now colleagues, I reckon.  If we didn't have a common mgr, work would be tolerable and borderline-exciting.

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