Thursday, June 11, 2015

Events Rule!

I'll do my best to recount my caffeine today.

Morning at home:  Maxwell House; 11am small Breakfast Blend; 4pm undetermined coffee @ the ILO event.  'Twas black.

I know I had a Green Tips and Awake at work and then a high-quality Chai at the event around 230.

Events rule. I got work done and will leave here @ 5.  Met the legal advisor to the office of the president of Malta.  That rules.

I'm still sniffling and handling this drip as best I can. I was dry yesterday and today it's the opposite.

Made some contacts. One never  knows to where it might lead.  

Oh right...and AKASW will be out tomorrow.  Fridays in the summer are great.  The goal is to take Mondays off.

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