Wednesday, June 24, 2015

In my heart was an aching pain...

Breakfast Blend and also my first cup of the day.  It's pretty smooth and not burnt this morning.  I have some sugar in it as well.
I'm not as sad as the title suggests.  It's just what played as I started typing. I've not yet looked @ my work emails. I'm sure it's a mess I'll straighten out later.  I actually feel bad for AKASW, who needs to stand to work re: neck issues.
I had a solid 50-minute, 6.5(?) mile run on the boardwalk yesterday and I curled last night so today will be a chill-out day, esp since Liz will not be home tonight.  I may be missing out on a karaoke job unless it falls through entirely.  Not the end of the world but I would have liked some more money.  Lunch plans are also a consideration today.  I might try to reconnect with Gomez.  We'll see.  Fact is, I'm not that hungry.  Once I'm in this lean mode, I suppose my body wants to maintain.

Had a lunch break with Marketing Assistant man, DZ.  Cool dude.  We appreciate some of the same things and once we get some of the work-bitching out of the way we can delve in to funner stuff.  I nursed a House Blend with him and we discussed, beer, coffee, food, standards of living and other stuff.

I refilled my coffee on the way up and found some donut pop'ems so they go well with the House Blend.  I do not think I can drink this all, though, I might spill some out and replace with milk.  I just exchanged my white CT shirt from last week for the same one, only non-iron  and slim fit.  All the criteria has been met.  I feel great about my new wardrobe.  After today (I'm wearing the yellow shirt). I'll start wearing some other newer things. I only need one new button down for tomorrow and then a polo for Friday and then it'll be a polo week for the week AKASW is gone.

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