Monday, June 22, 2015

Nowhere Freeway

Was listening to Raise a Little Hell this morning and like it a lot.  I actually listened to the last 4 songs and they are reminiscent of "Nowhere Freeway" and "Dead of the Night."  I will have a good day today -- we're AKASW-free and I already pulled my "early morning email" routine.  I actually did work last night for a couple of hours just to be fully prepared.
Drinking a pretty hot Breakfast Blend with a raw sugar. It tastes a little burnt but it'll do the job. I did not have any coffee this morning.
I will hit the gym and do my abs today. I have no lock nor bike so I'll do my stuff quickly and get out and try to listen to some of my "Break Me In" playlist.  I'll throw in the new Helloween, too.
Uriy from the mailroom just delivered 2 new discs -- Wolf and Terrell.  Wow totally different stuff going on there.  I've got two more coming and then that's it -- I know I've said it before but really that should be it.  
Off tomorrow so I'll hit the gym in the morning and try to squeeze in a run.
Some marketing women are speaking loudly. One is a friend of mine on the receiving end of a "tone." Her face has been flushed ever since.

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