Tuesday, June 2, 2015


I grabbed 2/3 of a House Blend on 18 and spaced out for 10 minutes before coming to my office.  I found an unlimited card (through next tues) yesterday so I got here with enough time to relax before going up.  It takes less than 5 minutes for the 1 to get from Penn to 50th.  But it only feels fast if it arrives as you get to the platform.  I was listening to Mumford and Sons and then Inside Llewyn Davis and got a yearning for my girls.  Last night Miri sat on my back and clutched my shirt while I did some pushups and I realized it was one of the best moments of my life.

How excited would you be to go and draft emails for someone else after that realization?

I ran for a solid 20 minutes this morning at 7am and felt really good about it and even afterward.  It was a little chilly but it felt fine after 10 minutes.  I don't know what the day will bring later (gym or whiskey, but not both) so I reckon I covered my health nicely.

My mini-muffin and triangular danish were waiting for me and the coffee went down nicely.  I know I'll crash harder than this but I cannot let my mood be affected.

RB and me  applied for different positions at a famous institution. IMAGINE if we got it. I'd look forward to going to work again.

I'll try to go metal-less for a bit.

I know I downed a Breakfast Blend while tackling some event stuff.

"Don't spend too much time or effort on this" and then when it's been shown that I have results "well, let's get more of these and question-question-question."


Have another half of a Pike. Friends had to vacate the plans for whiskey and wine, which is ok I can hit the gym and crank up the Overkill. I do feel a bit dejected but I'll get over that and at least I do not have to hit the gym in the morning, now.  I can actually do my whole body tonite.  I'm not that tired just a bit disillusioned.

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