Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Make it through.

I've got a scratchy throat this morning. It started last night on the train. The second I removed my button down shirt and sat in a wife-beater, I started to feel it.  Coincidence?  It's certainly seasonal. Unless being around my grandmother on Sunday did it.  I'm nursing a Pike and I've got a feeling it'll be the one coffee I'll have today and then pivot over to tea (with lemon drops and honey).  I had to stop off @ 18 to get it and some cafeteria egg & turkey sausage breakfast.  AKASW is not yet in.  I wish I'd have known last night b/c the switch would've been easier this morning but that's ok.  Sort of slept on the train to Dark Side.  Only kind of glad I didn't know AKASW would be out, b/c I could have conceivably passed out on the 848.

I'm run down enough that the music I rec'd yesterday didn't lift me.  Let's just get through all this stuff and go home.  No 'tude. No excuses.

I've had 2 Awakes at this point.  My scratchy throat is not the world's end -- I will use it to focus and turn out the brief nominations I needed to draft.  I will not be deterred by much else other than a seminar and a brief team meeting.  AKASW arrived and I'm just going to present myself as someone who's a little under the weather who is, for once, happy to be holed up and left to his own devices.  Ha Ha Tonka's Death of a Decade is fantastic. Almost (so far) as much as Lessons.

Since 1130am....
I have lost count as to how much tea I've had today.  I had a boring seminar today and had at least one cup there.  I also wolfed down 3 sandwiches so I'm feeling good and full.  I also had 2 iced teas on 18 and now am nursing a HouseBlend.

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